What Are The Differences Between TV and Film Production?

Irrespective of the platform, the production job is always enticing, allowing individuals to showcase their skills and creativity. While choosing a production course, many students often get confused between TV production and film production. Studying any of these courses will provide individuals with comprehensive training focused on giving them the skills and creativity needed to land a role in the production field. 

Film & Television Production in Toronto is tailor-made to offer experience in scriptwriting, audio, and online video. The course provides in-depth knowledge of the role of sound and music in online video production. Chiefly, individuals gain skills to produce and direct films and shows. This blog will walk you through the significant differences between TV and film production and how choosing a course in it can benefit your career.


TV production vs. film production: Major differences

Here are the significant differences between the TV and film production you need to be aware of:

  • Formats and style

Time frame is a significant difference between television and film production. The format and style of shooting a film differ from producing a television show. While both types of production provide visual entertainment, the formats and techniques to create a video differ.

  • Production phases

From coming up with an idea to perfecting a script, the process of film production takes place. Once the script is finalized, it goes through the three phases of production: pre-production, production, and post-production. Film production follows a linear process, while television production is mainly done in each stage. TV shows adhere to a strict schedule to meet the cycle for the next episode.

  • Scheduling

A lot of factors are involved in producing a film, like budgeting, location, and selecting a perfect actor for the role. It takes around three months to make a film, while television production is all about camera availability. Two types of cameras are used in television production: single camera and multi-camera. It takes around eight days to produce a TV drama.

  • Roles

In film production, the director oversees all production aspects to realize his vision for the script. Directors decide which angle or shot is the best for the written script. On the other side, the showrunner looks after all three production stages. Showrunners can also work as scriptwriters and choose to direct several episodes.

How does pursuing a film and television production course benefit you?

A film and television production course offers several competitive and transferrable skills needed to succeed in a variety of industries. The course enhances the critical thinking and problem-solving skills of prospective producers. 

With a film and television production degree, graduates can take up various roles such as gaffer, screenwriter, cinematographer, and director, to name a few. Attending a film and television production school will allow you to forge links with people. Now that you have a basic understanding of the difference between film production and television production, apply to the course now in the top Canadian film school.

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